Meet Mom, My Hero, My Heart: Sydna Mersereau Shares Her Tips for a Purposeful Life

Mother’s Day is just a few days away and to celebrate I featured a very special guest on The Power of Charms Podcast: My Mom, Sydna! Mothers are so deeply important to our lives and can impart wisdom to us in ways only a mother can. My mom has gained wisdom with age and there are many things that I love and admire about my mom. I knew she would be the perfect guest to share her amazing wisdom and guiding principles for life.
Sydna is a powerhouse who believes that you should never doubt yourself. In fact, she went back to school at age 50 to study business math and accounting to challenge herself and learn something she knew would be useful in her life. She is constantly learning in order to grow and stay fresh. Her persistence is just one of the amazing attributes that has led her to feeling “content, blessed, and fulfilled” in her life.
I spoke with my mom on the Power of Charms about her guiding principles to life, sharing the wisdom she’s learned along the way, and just what makes Sydna who she is.
Click the video below to view their interview or click here to listen on Spotify
The Defining Symbol: Heart
My Mom is the most loving, big-hearted person I know. Family is incredibly important to her as well as maintaining positive relationships. Fostering a loving, positive environment is critical to not only happiness but living a fulfilling life. To Sydna, “The most important advice I can give for a fulfilled life is to have a big heart and be kind to everyone you meet.” The Heart is an incredibly popular symbol. It is the core of our humanity and the primary symbol of love. It also symbolizes truth, honesty, joy, compassion, and charity. For centuries, hearts have been used in matters related to love.
As one of the original investors in the Charity Charms concept, we wanted to share her BIG HEART by honoring her with our signature logo charm.
Looking for a beautiful heart charm of your own? Shop our Sterling Silver Have a Heart Charm.
10% of net proceeds of our Symbol Charm Line benefit our charity programs.
About Sydna Mersereau
Sydna Mersereau has lived a fulfilled and interesting life. At 80+ she is the epitome of health and balance….and happens to be Kay’s mom 🙂 As the wife of an Air Force Colonel, she moved many places over the years; Greece and Italy were foreign stints and she got to see the world through numerous trips as well. Throughout her life she has had many careers: Teachers, Newscaster, Financial Analyst, and today she still loves working as the treasurer for Pebble Creek Community Church. Sydna is wise and talented and Kay wanted to share “Secret Sauce” for a happy life. They are best friends, mentors, and confidants…and have a close and very special relationship as mother and daughter.
After You Listen: