This Heart Health Month, It’s Personal

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart”….Confucius
This quote is from the beginning of a new book I am reading called “Saving Women’s Hearts” by Martha Gulati, MD. After all, heart health is an incredibly serious issue. The saying goes, there are no coincidences in life and meeting Martha in person was a triple coincidence for me.
First, I had just been diagnosed with “Atrial Flutter”, and trying to figure out my options. Second, one of Charity Charm’s featured charities, WomenHeart, puts out a great newsletter, so I had been spending time absorbing that on the recommendation of Executive Director, Mary McGowen. The third happened while walking my dog. I met my new neighbor, Martha Gulati. She is a cardiologist, board member of WomenHeart, and author of the book “Saving Women’s Hearts.” It seemed too good to be true, serendipitous, and unbelievable timing.
I knew that women’s heart health was an important issue because Charity Charms has worked with WomenHeart for over 12 years. But I definitely never thought I would actually need the services and information they provide for my own use. Heart Health Month came along just in time with all kinds of information about how to care for your heart with both natural and medical solutions. Meeting Martha has really opened my eyes to the seriousness of heart disease for women. As a cardiologist, Martha lives and breathes hearts. As a result, I knew I had to share this video of her in her heart decorated front yard:
Given that Heart Disease is the #1 killer of women it is important to take it seriously. In fact, please take a moment to learn about how it might affect you and the women you love.
Here are some heart health resources Martha recommends:
Click HERE to buy Martha’s book on Amazon
For the month of February, you can purchase WomenHeart GivingBands HERE
GivingBands are a great way to capitalize on awareness months and are a fashionable way to spread the word about your fight.