Nonprofit Grant Funding: Where Can I Find Grant Money?

Where Can I Find Grant Money?
We receive this question a lot – Where can I find grant money for my nonprofit? Our answer is this…
The Rayvan Group understands that nonprofit organizations depend on grant funding from foundations, corporations, and government agencies. Typically speaking this funding should account for about 15% of your fundraising revenue.
We pride ourselves on being a team of authentic, transparent and ethical professionals. That’s why we want to share with you our professional experience.
Four Places to Find NonProfit Grant Funding
- Ask your board. Your board members may be connected to the community and know of grant opportunities through foundations or corporations in the community. Depending on their sphere of influence, they may know of family foundations that their social contacts and business colleagues may control.
- Search the internet. This may seem simple and the easiest answer but a good online search could lead to potential funding. Make sure you use keywords when you search. For example, if your organization serves the homeless population you would want to use words such as grants homeless, grants homeless Phoenix, grants homeless Arizona, grants basic needs, grants housing, grants food.
- Grant databases. There are a few grant databases that you can access from your public library or purchase an annual membership. All of our clients gain access to GrantStation when they work with us.
- Know your competition. Review similar organization’s annual reports, donor walls, websites and social media accounts to see where they have recently received funding.
Over $50 billion dollars are awarded every year through foundations and corporate grants. If your nonprofit is not applying for these opportunities then you are simply leaving money on the table.
Giving USA provides a funding chart with a breakdown of your nonprofit fundraising areas and how much money you should depend on through grants.
*The industry standard grant proposal success rate is 30% and the Rayvan Group currently has a 50% award rate.
Have more questions about nonprofit grant funding? Or need help submitting your winning grant proposal? Contact the Rayvan Group by phone at (928) 482-5919 or by visiting their website.
Another helpful resource: Global Translation Services Strengthen Nonprofit Organizations from Day Translations