Building Your Business With a Charity Aspect

Did you know that 85% of consumers want to do business with a business that gives back. More and more consumers are turning to organizations that have some sort of charity aspect to their business. Building your business with a charity aspect is a good decision. It’s more than simply making money. It’s about making a difference in the world around you. These days it’s becoming good business to just do good.
Being charitable helps distinguish you from your competitors. It shows your concern for the community around you. Whether you sponsor a local animal shelter or a cancer walk, you can look within the community and see who needs assistance. Your employees can also be a source of help. They can give you valuable insights into causes they support which, in turn, gives you options.
Employees are looking to work at places that are philanthropic and they can feel proud to be a part of. A give back program allows your employees a chance to engage with each other working on a common goal in addition to their day to day work. Volunteering or gathering donations promotes team building, company pride, and boosts overall morale. Volunteering has been proven to be good for your health.
Adding a charity aspect to your business can give it added purpose and direction. Being charitable can engage your team and show your clients that you care. Additionally, you’ll be adding a philanthropic note to your businesses’ story. Being charitable will show you in a positive light especially to your consumers which will increase the amount of people wanting to do business with you.
Download Building Your Business With a Charity Aspect
There are many ways to add a charitable aspect to your business, and a few models you can follow. We have created a comprehensive collection of tips and ideas in a handy downloadable PDF.
In this PDF you will find:
- 3 Models to Consider
- How to Find the Right Cause for Your Company
- Guide to Making Cause Marketing Work for You
- 10 Ways Your Company Can Support a Cause
- Creating a 5 Point Plan

Click below to download your copy of Building Your Business with a Charity Aspect and find your way to becoming a heart-centered business