How to Use Cause Jewelry to Raise Funds

Charity Charms is the forerunner in cause jewelry to help organizations raise awareness and funds. We created our Top 10 ways to use your Charity Charms to Raise Funds as a resource for our clients but wanted to share it with everyone. The examples are using our custom charm programs but if you make your own jewelry or have jewelry produced from another company the ideas can still be used.
We are thrilled that Charms and Jewelry as a Force for Good have become a movement worldwide. Collaboration and cooperation are the keys to success, and we embrace anyone using jewelry to help charities. We hope this is of help!
Top 10 Ways to Raise Funds with Your Charity Charms
1. Donation Thank You
This is one of the easiest ways to utilize your Charity Charms. Let your supporters know “For a minimum donation of _____ we would like to GIVE you this bracelet as a thank you. Please wear it with pride to show your support for our cause.” We recommend this in lieu of selling. Each organization is different, and this approach may be perfect for you.
2. Online Sales
If you have an existing website selling branded merchandise, add your Charity Charms jewelry! This is a quick and easy way to let your supporters know that you have cause-related jewelry available. If you don’t have a web store, there are many platforms that can help. It doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task either. If you need help setting up a store, we recommend our partner GIVEBACKNATION. Click here to learn more about their turnkey option.
3. Partner With a Retailer
There are many local retailers in your community that would love to help support your charity. They will be happy to sell your Charity Charms in their shops exposing them to many visitors on a daily basis. Think about how many tourists and local people visit these types of shops. Recently there has been a huge push to shop local and support small businesses in the community. There is nothing better than a partnership between a local organization and a local retail shop. It is the best of both worlds and will gain awareness for the important work you do.
4. Event Sales
You’ve already put in the world of time to host an event. Use your vendor space to set up a table and sell your charms at these events. We have seen organizations selling charms at walks, runs, and even doggie fashion shows! These events bring your target audience of supporters directly to you. They support your cause and they will love getting to show off their new jewelry knowing they supported their favorite cause. Additionally, an added benefit: Once The Event is Gone, The Legacy Lives On…in a wearable way.
5. Raffle Prizes
Proceeds from raffles frequently benefit organizations. It gives people a chance to support a cause and play a game of chance. Sell tickets to your next raffle and inspire supporters to give a little more to get a bracelet, keyring, etc. Not only will they be doing good in the world, but they can tell others about the raffle when they show off their donation incentive. It’s also a great way for the people selling raffle tickets to know someone has bought them already since they will be wearing the bracelet.
6. Mystery Boxes
Mystery Boxes are a fun and easy way to raise funds. At an event or even through social media, package your Charity Charms in attractive boxes and offer them for a set donation with a minimum value. Then, make 10% of the boxes have double or triple the value. For example, you have 100 mystery boxes, each with a sterling charm valued at $65. But, in 10 boxes there are also bracelets valued at $135, bringing the total value to $200. Make the minimum donation $75 with a 10% chance of receiving a $200 value. It creates a fun social media opportunity for your supporters to share their fun boxes online with others and increase your presence. It will get people talking and help you reach our goal.
7. Silent Auction Items
Charity Charms are a popular item for silent auctions. High-end items, like sterling Embracelets, make great gala or event auction items. The winner of the auction is receiving a timeless charm bracelet they will wear for years to come, and jewelry is always one of the most popular categories!
8. Crowdfunding Campaign
Crowdfunding is one of the most popular ways to raise funds online. It provides a unique and affordable way to gather donations, especially when coupled with a thank you item as an incentive. Offer your bracelets and other accessories for people that invest in your campaign at a certain level. So if you are asking for $50, entice them to donate $75 and include a bracelet (that cost you $5). You have just made $20 more using an item that caused you $5. It has been proven people give more when there is an attached incentive for themselves.
9. Levels of Giving
This is similar to crowdfunding but works in a way all its own. Create 3 levels of giving your donors can choose from. Incentivize each level with a corresponding Charity Charms level. As the tiers increase, the product value increases. It differentiates each level of support giving the donor a way to feel they are of value to your organization no matter what they end up donating. Plus, you are likely to meet your goal because the giving levels are set in a way that benefits you most.
10. Online Fundraising Campaign
Plan a specific outreach and thank the people who donated with a bracelet that brands your campaign. You can do this through e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram campaign. Charity Charms are a custom option so creating a campaign around them is easy. Let us know you are running the campaign and we will share it through our social media channels to boost your success. We can feature your message, event date, and more which allows supporters to remember you long after the campaign is over. Then when it comes to giving, later on, they have brand recognition with you that is likely to make them a repeat donor.
As we have stated there are many ways to use Charity Charms to raise funds your organization’s needs. You know your community better than anyone, and we are here to help! If you are ready to create your own custom charm program or would like to learn more, contact us.