by Kay McDonald | Apr 8, 2020 | Campaigns, Fundraising, Fundraising Events, Resources, Uses
Raising necessary funds for your cause may require some creativity. With the current pandemic, your cause may need more help than usual to keep providing their important services to the community. The following guest blog by Ashley Lipman is here to give you a few new...
by Kay McDonald | Apr 6, 2020 | Awareness Months, Campaigns, Donation Incentive, Fundraising, Fundraising Events, Uses
Giving Days have become a popular way of raising money for local communities and across the globe. You may have heard of the biggest Giving Day, GivingTuesday. GivingTuesday is a worldwide day of philanthropy that kicks off the season of giving. In addition to this...
by Kay McDonald | Feb 18, 2020 | Blog, Campaigns, Fundraising, Fundraising Events, Inspirations, Resources, Uses
Fundraising is vital to many organizations, but have you exhausted all of the old ideas? This guest blog features many new, unique 2020 fundraising ideas to inspire you and your team! Time after time, organizations fall in a rut of hosting the same fundraisers,...
by Kay McDonald | Nov 19, 2019 | Campaigns, Fundraising, Fundraising Events, GivingBands, Healthcare, Our Clients, Product Spotlight, Uses
Aloha…Two Missions Unite Across the world there are many underserved communities. This is especially true when it comes to healthcare and many health services, we take for granted. Aloha Medical Mission serves to provide healthcare services to the underserved in...
by Kay McDonald | Oct 28, 2019 | Campaigns, Embracelets, Fundraising, Fundraising Events, Our Clients, Product Spotlight, Uses, Women
75% of human trafficking victims are women and girls. Human trafficking has become big business and an even more serious problem in recent years. StreetLight USA is an organization that helps these women and girls change their lives. In order to raise funds at their...
by Kay McDonald | Oct 2, 2019 | Bangle Dangles, Campaigns, Charity Spotlight, Fundraising, Fundraising Events, Healthcare, Our Clients, Product Spotlight, Success Stories, Uses, Women
A great smile is something people often take for granted. Your smile spreads goodwill and can cheer someone up. Smiles and Beyond is on a mission to provide restored smiles to women and men who have experienced incarceration or domestic violence and have made a...