About the Charmed Giving Program
Charmed Giving is a simple and impactful Cause Marketing program that aligns you with your favorite charity. Our CHARMED GIVING program could be the solution to define your philanthropy and help charities spread awareness. With the CHARMED GIVING program, YOU choose the charity that your team is passionate about. Your donation funds a custom charm program that aligns and co-brands your company with their cause.
Charity Charms programs can produce a 2-3x times ROI on the amount donated, so it can be very attractive compared to traditional donations such as buying an event table or just writing a check.
The Charmed Giving Program enables corporate partnerships that co-brands both you and your donor’s logo, name, etc, in the product and packaging.
Charmed Giving Case Studies
National Bank of Arizona and Ballet Arizona
Unisex #BalletArizona B’Strong Bracelets for Donors
The Ballet had been looking for an innovative way to thank donors and to spread awareness for their robust program. The National Bank of Arizona funded their custom program through Charmed Giving. Their generous donation and corporate partnerships are seen through the co-branding of the Branding Bead and custom carding.
“Thank you so much for this!! We are so delighted to benefit from NBAZ and your charms.”

National Bank of Arizona and Feeding Matters
Bracelets Raising Awareness for a Disorder Not Well Known
Feeding Matters turned their table and chairs logo into a custom charm utilized on two products, Caring Cords and adjustable bangles. Without the National Bank of Arizona this project wouldn’t be possible. Their corporate partnership is featured on the custom carding designed by Feeding Matters.
“We love our Charity Charms! So far we have used them to thank donors and committees. This has been such a great way to say thank you and bring brand recognition at the same time. We are so grateful to have the support!”
Smiles and Beyond with Denco
Co-Branded Event Takeaways Changing Lives
Smiles and Beyond raises money through special events and 2019 they hosted a luncheon called Women for Women. The lovely adjustable bangle featured a logo charm from Smiles and Beyond along with a complimentary Star charm symbolizing their corporate partnership with the business that that provided the funds for the bracelets, DENCO.

“The bracelets you made a great hit. So many people came up to me and said how nice they were. It really brings so much awareness to our cause. Thank you for all that you have done for Smiles and what you do for all!”

Caregiving.com and Aging Matters International
Caregiving + Corporate Sponsor = Hope and Support
Unisex bracelets that conference attendees received to remind them of their hard work. Two charms were attached. One was created from Caregiving.com’s logo and the other was a special branding bead acknowledging AMI as the sponsor. AMI underwrote the program so there was no cost to Caregiving.com, and it was a great Cause Marketing partnership for both parties.
Use Charmed Giving For
Raise funds using a gift donated by a sponsor
Cause Marketing Campaigns
Launch a cause marketing campaign between your business and a cause you care about.
Event Takeaways
Co-brand your event and thank attendees for coming to your event.
Raise Awareness
Raise awareness for a cause you care about by meeting a specific need.
Ready to get started?
Looking for corporate gifts? Click here.
1940 E. Camelback Rd, Phoenix
By appointment only.