Symbol + Mission = Impact with Gay Romack

Working with charities and nonprofits, we come in contact with a lot of incredible causes. Bridges Reentry helps formerly incarcerated women transition back into society. Not just transition back but help build valuable bridges to sobriety, healing, sustainable economic empowerment, and connection through community. With such an important cause, we wanted to speak with Reverend Gay Romack Founder and Executive Director of Bridges Reentry. We recently worked with them on a bright, colorful logo charm bracelet which will be used for their new mentorship program.
Kay spoke with Gay about Bridges Reentry, the symbolism behind their beautiful logo, their recent project with Charity Charms, their new mentorship program, and more!
Watch their interview below or click here to listen on Spotify
About Gay Romack
Reverend Gay Romack is founder and executive director of Bridges Reentry. She was a real estate broker for over 20 years and served as development director for the West Valley Fine Arts Council. She was ordained Deacon in 2006 and served as St. Peter’s Episcopal Church membership coordinator. Gay has done extensive work in the community serving on boards for Habitat for Humanity, the Southwest Valley Chamber of Commerce, and others. Her outreach involves the Agua Fria Food Bank, Natalie’s House for Young Girls, Family Promise, and the Perryville Prison Ministry and Mentoring.
After You Listen:
- Learn more about Bridges Reentry
- Become a Mentor
- Sign up to volunteer
1940 E. Camelback Rd, Phoenix
By appointment only.