The Richness of Giving: Interview with Sharon Lechter

Our guest this week on The Power of Charms is the incredible Sharon Lechter. Sharon is a best-selling author, a financial literacy expert, and a mentor, just to name a few. We were thrilled to be able to speak to her on the podcast about everything from philanthropy to the importance of recognizing opportunities when they are presented and using them to not only help oneself but for others as well. She is driven to help others take the road less traveled, Play Big, and reignite the passion one has for their dream.
Join Kay and Sharon as they discuss her philosophy of philanthropy, her Play Big movement, how she manages all the fascinating elements of her career and even her ranch!
Click the video below to view their interview or click here to listen on Spotify.
Sharon’s Power Symbol: Yellow Roses
Symbols and signs are everywhere we look. They can bring us messages from loved ones or reinforce that we are on the right path. Sharon’s Power Charm is yellow roses. They remind her of her son who has passed away. He always used to bring her yellow roses and all yellow flowers remind her he is always with her. Every time she visits her ranch, a yellow wildflower is there to greet her. Yellow roses are symbolic of friendship and joy. They are the perfect choice for cheering someone up. Yellow roses are also the symbol of abundance, a mindset Sharon loves to teach people. For when we use an abundance mindset rather than a scarcity mindset, we are able to help and elevate others.
Purchase our Sterling Silver Rose Charm
20% of net proceeds of our Symbol Charm Line benefit our charity programs.
About Sharon Lechter
Sharon Lechter is internationally recognized as a financial literacy expert, keynote speaker, and business mentor. She is a New York Times bestselling author, successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, has enjoyed a 35-year career as a licensed CPA, and advised 2 US Presidents on the topic of financial literacy. She co-authored the international bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad and 14 other books in the Rich Dad series. After the economy crashed in 2008, Sharon energized the teachings of Napoleon Hill Foundation with bestselling books including Three Feet From Gold, Outwitting the Devil, and Think and Grow Rich for Women, and Success and Something Greater. In June she launched her latest book, Exit Rich, to support entrepreneurs in building value and scalability in their business so they can be in a position to reach their greatest potential.
After You Listen:
- Contact Sharon
- Connect with Sharon on LinkedIn
- Get your copy of her latest book, Exit Rich
1940 E. Camelback Rd, Phoenix
By appointment only.