Becoming the CEO of YOU with Cheryl Garrison

We have designated 2022 The Year of the Woman, putting much of our focus on to helping women become even better versions of themselves. The Power of Charms has always been a place for women to share their inspiring stories and wisdom to help lift other women up. As women age they begin to face new challenges and our guest this week is sharing her knowledge and guidance for women reaching a new “now what?”
Join Kay and Cheryl as they discuss 50Something Lifestyle, combating the stigma of aging, identifying your passions and strengths to become the CEO of you, and more!
Watch their conversation below or click here to listen on Spotify.
Cheryl’s Power Symbol: The Treble Clef
Cheryl has been an avid piano player since she was eight years old. Playing her first hymn in church where her dad was a pastor. She continues to play piano in church to this day. As Cheryl told us the Treble Clef holds significance to her because it is the part of her that is separate from her work.
“I’ve been doing that since I was eight years old. So the treble clef has a lot of significance, because it is that part of me that I get to do that separates me from work or when I was in school, it’s it’s that thing, that’s just me. And that brings me my own self satisfaction.”
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About Cheryl Garrison
Cheryl Garrison is a speaker, author, and champion for women over 50. She is driven by her desire to help women re-invent themselves to live a life of passion and purpose. For over 30 years Cheryl has been an entrepreneur and been awarded numerous Business Excellence awards. As a coach, she teaches women over 50 how to channel the confidence to start and grow a business. She works with clients one-on-one or in group coaching sessions through her Next Steps Business Success Mastermind. She is an author of three inspirational books with a fourth on the way. She created 50Something Lifestyle to help women deal with the “now what” moments because she believes women are strong, vibrant, and ready to create the lifestyle of their dreams.
After You Listen:
- Learn more about 50Something Lifestyle
- Purchase Cheryl’s books
- Contact Cheryl
1940 E. Camelback Rd, Phoenix
By appointment only.