The KEY to Event Follow Up

Over the last year, many events have been canceled or pivoted to a virtual setting. With so many changes, staying in touch and in front of supporters has never been so crucial. Now as we return to a new, new normal, many are looking to return to events and fundraisers in some form. Whether you are hosting an in-person event or one with a virtual element, a follow-up thank you gift is just the ticket to showing your community you care. Here is an example of how Frontdoors Media and their signature event, Society of Chairs, use a custom bracelet to follow up with their attendees.
Society of Chairs is an annual event hosted by FrontDoors Magazine to honor and celebrate people in the Phoenix community that support philanthropy by chairing the Valley’s Nonprofit events. The signature thank you dinner they put in has become a legacy, and the hallmark of it is to recognize a key individual for their generous contributions to the community as a whole. Each year FrontDoors magazine designs a custom bracelet to tie in with the event. In 2021 the Key honoree was Billie Jo Herberger, a darling of the community known for her big heart and colorful style.
Effervescent Event Follow-Up Bracelets
Andrea, the publisher of FrontDoors magazine worked personally with Billie Jo to design a custom bracelet that reflected Billie Jo’s style. They choose to incorporate red and turquoise beads (her favorite colors), a mermaid charm (her favorite symbol), and then tied in the branding with the FrontDoors key charm and bead. The bracelets were mailed after the event to all the donors in a Charity Charms round hatbox with a custom hang tag and sticker. Each mailing included a handwritten thank you note from Andrea.
Read about the Society of Chairs 2018 bracelet and 2019 bracelet
Read about Billie Jo Herberger in Frontdoors Magazine
Event Follow-Ups: Your Key to Showing Gratitude
Events usually feature some type of gift bag or thank you gift, but these days you can create much more impact for everyone who supports your organization. Providing a follow-up thank you gift when people engage at your event can amplify your impact, and when mailed as a follow-up, is another touchpoint for them to keep your cause top of mind. The signature “Billie Jo Herberger” bracelet for the elite group that received them, is now a symbol of recognition to all, for gracious work and philanthropy. As you can see, thought was put into every bit of Billie Jo’s custom bracelet from the colors featured right through to the packaging that all matched not only the event but Billie Jo’s feature in Frontdoors Magazine. Even if you’re not featuring a singular person at your event, your brand identity or event theme can be used to create the ultimate thank you gift.
Create Your Event Follow-Up Charms
Charity Charms are a beautiful addition to your outreach. You choose the product, it’s design, and it’s packaging which makes it entirely unique to you. Your community will love having a token that makes them feel welcome, valued, and united with all of the hard work you do.
1940 E. Camelback Rd, Phoenix
By appointment only.